sucks, doesn't suck sucks/doesn't suck....
or something!
i totally suck you guys!!!! im really sorry about having this really brilliant idea and then totally abandoning it for something less brilliant and less hot, but ultimately easier and not respectable!!! god, i'm so typical.
but i promise promise promise to try to find things that suck or don't suck more often. i totally find things that suck and don't suck daily, but my laziness is totally my driving force, which means um....i have no drive. however, i decided just right now im going to take this sucking and not sucking a lot less seriously which means i won't feel like i have to actually deliver quality...just quanitity. because really, i know you bitches are stimulation sluts and dont really expect much from me. especially if you know me....(if you know me, youve probably experienced first hand my incredible ability to disappoint! im totally a dumb whore!! ha!)....
anyway, from now on i am going to try to run this blog without accordance to standard.....which means more posts of no significance or substance!!! just how you like it! i really tried to be organized and like not useless about this, but um....those things don't exist in my life. what was i thinking???? i thrive off of unorganized, meaningless, insignificant nothing!!! it's like....everything i stand for!
anyway, love you sluts for like totally giving up on me thereby eliminating my having to try! and im totally talking to the 4 people that read this. even pringle didn't read this and he's a contributor. ok bye bitches.
(um, charlie doesn't suck, but i posted his picture to counterbalance my sucking. seriously, charles is hot shit!)
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